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Warm welcome to the Xiqu Centre!

From Victoria Peak, it may look like a giant steel yogurt but traditional Chinese lanterns in fact inspired the new Xiqu Centre’s design. The centre is the first cultural venue to open in the West Kowloon Cultural District and is dedicated to showcase the finest in Chinese Traditional Opera (xiqu in Chinese).

While the main entrance represent partly opened theatre curtains, the impressive eight-storey building houses a 1,073-seat grand theatre, a 200-seat teahouse theatre, 8 professional studios and a seminar hall.

For its grand opening, the famous Cantonese opera The Reincarnation of Red Plum.  This 60-year old classic was chosen as it represents the best of Cantonese opera.

If you are not an expert, do not worry. We suggest you go see the 90-minute performance presented by the in-house troupe and especially designed to introduce new audiences to Chinese traditional theatre (English subtitles available).  It is hosted at the Centre’s teahouse where you will be served traditional tea and dim sum during the show. A wonderful way to combine both cultural and local culinary arts!

Performances are on every Wednesday to Sunday at 7:30pm and on Saturday and Sunday at 3pm.

To learn more about the Xiqu Centre and Cantonese opera, get in touch at contact@hkalacarte.com